Healthcare vs. American Politicians

5 min readAug 2, 2017

I, like many of you, watched with both horror and incredulity as pseudo-conservative politicians in Washington, D.C. tried their best to further damage American health care. As a registered Republican, I was happy to see them fail. President Barack Obama and Democrats came close with the misnamed Affordable Care Act (ACA). That piece of legislation didn’t make health care more affordable, nor did it make them more caring. Next, pols will rename abortion “The Unborn Child Care Act”.

So what were Republicans trying to do? 1.Make health care more affordable? 2. Make it simpler to access? 3. Give doctors more time to spend with their patients? 4. Fill the bank accounts of their campaign donors?1. No, 2. don’t be stupid, 3. you really are a putz and….4. of course! This is the dirty little secret that’s really not a secret any more: Most members of the GOP are clones of most members of the Democrat party (who’s mascot is a donkey or jackass). For the rest of this essay, I will refer to the Democrats as JA. Their only purpose in life is to get reelected so they can maintain the cushy gig they have going in DC. Period. Chuck Schumer (JA) and Senate Minority Leader & Mitch McConnell (GOP) and Senate Majority Leader want the same things:

  1. Get reelected
  2. Get sweet insider opportunities to buy stocks
  3. Lots of money for reelection from large corporations
  4. Have members of the rank and file to bow and genuflect to them

Look at that list. See anything missing? [drumming fingers on desk while I wait for you to “get it”.] Notice how you and I are not mentioned anywhere on that list? That’s not an accident. To them, you and I don’t matter anymore. Oh sure, they needs us to vote for them every 2 years (House) or 6 years (Senate). But other than that little detail, they not only don’t want to have anything to do with us, they really don’t even hide that fact from us anymore. Just notice how they lie to us to get elected then, once in DC, forget they even know us.

And the voting part of it will go the way of the Dodo bird (now extinct) once election officials get bought off by voting machine manufacturers. What could go wrong?

The ACA, much like the alien in the very first Aliens movie, was designed (yes, I chose that word carefully) to work in the much same way as the alien: once attached to the face (wallet) of the host (taxpayer), the alien (ACA) could not be removed due to the acidic body fluid (chance of not being reelected) to the concerned shipmate (gutless coward legislators). And we’re still waiting for a young, hot Segourney Weaver to show up and save the day, even though Yaphet Kotto takes an alien tail to the back. Once the ACA is embedded in American health care, it can never be removed.

7 years under Obama and then another 8 under Hillary Clinton will seal our fate. Such a diabolical plan. And it almost worked. Except for… know….him. Actually, it wasn’t so much Trump as millions of other people who were getting the shaft every month in their paychecks. They were like the person driving the beater car down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills: stay outta my way, I’ve got nothing to lose. If Carly! Fiorina or Jeb! Bush got the nomination, they’d be shafted just the same. But Trump? Wow! A poke in the eye with a hot stick to the career politicians and maybe, just maybe the huckster real estate investor might pull it off. And Trump told us, a million times on the campaign trail that he was going to “Repeal and Replace” the ACA. After all it was all based on lies.

What is the biggest lie that the ACA is based on? “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”? (-President Barack Obama)Nope. How about another PBO whopper “Every family will save $2,500 per year.”? Nope. The biggest lie is almost unspoken, yet hinted at, by both GOP or JA pols or legacy media employees: You need the government to get involved in health care. What evidence is there that the federal government can solve any big problem? War on Poverty? You’re kidding, right?[I’m throwing my head back and laughing much like Harvey Korman in Blazing Saddles (at 1:01)] How about the War on Drugs? Please stop! My sides are aching at laughing so hard. How about the efficiency of the IRS? (the milk mixed with Oreo cookie is coming out my nose right now).

The lie is repeated a billion times a day (no exaggeration) by legacy media employees that “…government must do something…”. Actually, the government is the problem. Well, along with health “insurance” companies and large hospital corporations like the shady Adventist Health System (“Extending The Healing Ministry Of Christ”). I say shady because I don’t remember reading in the Bible where our Savior operated out of a building with marble on the floors and overcharged for services.

You want to make your head explode? Okay, that was a bad question. How about this: You want to learn something that very few people are talking about? Spend some time on the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Facebook page (more interesting than their actual web page, ). You will find out that there is a viable alternative to the current mess and it’s much more compassionate to the poor than Medicaid (Federal government indigent care) and cheaper for everyone else. Downside? Hospitals and Insurance companies won’t be able to rip people off for medical care.

Watch this video of Dr. Josh Umbehr, M.D. and see how the next real innovation in family medicine is about real business, outside of government and large corporate “insurance”. If our politicians want to help us out, how about just repealing the ACA. We, the market, will take care of the rest. Or better yet, repeal the ACA with an effective date in 4 months. Then pass some of these ideas. Imagine know how much medical care will cost you. Crazy, right? With all of the innovation going on in technology, it makes you wonder why we can’t get that innovation in medicine. Turns out, it was coming about, in spite of our elected officials.




Christian (I actually read the Bible). Husband, father, golfer, handyman, active listener. Conservative (not GOP), small Federal govt, Original Constitution